I am a physical therapist and here is the short warm up I recommend to anyone before swimming

wWith summer just around the corner and temperatures rising, you might think about going back to the pool and doing a few laps. Not only does swimming offer a reprieve from the heat, it’s also a highly viable cross-training method if you’ve been pounding the asphalt and trails all spring or have cycled miles on road or mountain bike trails.

Additionally, swimming is an excellent fitness activity that builds aerobic fitness (the amount of oxygen your body is able to consume during exercise), boosts brain health, and is considered a longevity practice by neurobiologists. . To make matters even more enticing, swimming is a non-impact activity because you’re wading through water rather than hitting the ground, which sends significant ground reaction forces through your body (this isn’t a bad thing by the way, though). just different demands on muscles and joints). .

While swimming doesn’t carry the same level of impact and force as other forms of cardio, Kristina Kam, DPT, says you still need to be very mindful of the demands that swimming places on your body, and that includes doing a proper swim warm-up. You might not think of swimming as something you need to prepare for because you’re in the water and it seems easier than, say, running or biking, she says. But swimming causes significant muscle activation in the shoulders, chest, back and core areas. Additionally, the shoulder joint, also known as the glenohumeral joint, which has the highest range of motion in the body, is constantly tasked with adapting to your arms as they move up, down, and through the water.

In other words, swimming puts a specific stress on your body that you need to be prepared for. Stress is also very repetitive as swimming is a cyclical sport that involves the same movement, over and over, which can lead to overuse from repetitive strain. As a result, a swim warm-up targeted at those high-use areas will go a long way in keeping you in the pool with less aches and pains, as well as making you swim faster.

Swim coach Adam Nelson, who stresses the importance of a proper swim warm-up for each of his athletes, says it’s incredibly important because it prepares you for the actual swim. We found that priming the system gave our athletes better times in the pool and also kept them healthier, he says. The best part is that an effective warm-up can last five to seven minutes once you get it down.

Coach Nelson emphasizes a effective heating. So what does it entail? Since swimming is a well-studied sport that involves repetitive movements, it’s easier to determine which muscles and joints are putting the most strain. Studies of muscle activity and joint mobility have found commonalities between the major swimming styles. For example, it places higher muscle demands on the anterior deltoid (front of the shoulder), lats (lateral posterior muscles), and biceps, along with mobility demands on the scapulae (scapula) and the aforementioned shoulder joint (glenohumeral joint).

With those requirements in mind, I’ve created this five-part swim warm-up that will get you ready for the pool

A few keynotes before we get into the details. The only equipment you’ll need for this is a self-contained resistance band. Choose a resistance where the final reps of the exercise are moderately challenging (remember this is just a warm-up, we’re not trying to exhaust you!).

Part 1: Band series

Complete 10 repetitions of each of the following exercises.

Part 2: Increase the series

Complete 10 repetitions of each of the following exercises.

Part 3: Finger and forearm activation

Complete 10 repetitions of the following exercises.

Part 4: Mobility of the scapula (scapular).

Complete five rounds of the following sequence.

Part 5: Shoulder (glenohumeral) mobility.

Complete five rounds of the following sequence (one side at a time).

#physical #therapist #short #warm #recommend #swimming

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