Cholesterol: Plant-based diets may reduce the risk of strokes, heart attacks

Share on PinterestEating a more plant-based diet can help lower cholesterol levels. Maria Korneeva/Getty Images A vegetarian or vegan diet may help reduce cholesterol levels in the body, while also helping fight climate change, says a new meta-study. In particular, plant-based diets lower levels of a lipoprotein that is gaining interest as a better predictor … Read more

Postpartum people are at risk of losing Medicaid during discontinuation of Medicaid continued enrollment provision, especially in some states

With the end of the Medicaid continued enrollment provision implemented during the pandemic health emergency, states are resuming Medicaid cancellations. Many people who originally qualified for Medicaid through pregnancy eligibility may be at risk of losing coverage. During the pandemic, people who got Medicaid coverage because they were pregnant were able to stay in the … Read more

Treatment of depression reduces cardiovascular risk

Patients who manage their depression through psychological therapy have a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. This is the result of a large cohort study conducted in the UK. “Those whose symptoms of depression improved after therapy were 10% to 15% less likely to experience a cardiovascular event than those who did not,” the authors reported … Read more

Women at higher risk of inflation-related stress

Rising inflation is causing significant stress in the US population, particularly among women and socioeconomically vulnerable people, a new study indicates. An examination of US Census Bureau survey data found that after adjusting for socioeconomic status (SES), the risk of inflation stress was 28 percent higher among women than among men. However, it is unclear … Read more

Chronic cannabis use increases the risk of major depression and bipolar disorder up to FOUR TIMES

Chronic cannabis use significantly increases the risk of mental health problems and personality disorders, suggests a major study. Research of more than 6.6 million people in Denmark found that those who were addicted to marijuana were up to four times more likely to be diagnosed with major depression or bipolar disorder. They looked at people … Read more