World Milk Day 2023: 5 delicious ways to add milk and dairy products to your diet

Milk is an essential part of our daily diet and is a storehouse of many important nutrients. Drinking a glass of milk every day not only provides you with the right amount of calcium, but also other vital nutrients such as protein, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, riboflavin and pantothenic acid. Milk also helps meet the daily … Read more

Adding this type of milk alternative to your spinach smoothies will boost the anti-inflammatory benefits significantly, says an RD

A PSA for green smoothie drinkers: There’s an easy way to significantly boost the anti-inflammatory benefits of your favorite beverage, and it’s as simple as adding a splash of coconut milk. Why? While green smoothies always have good-for-you ingredients (veggies + frozen fruit + liquid of your choice), new research suggests that combining coconut milk … Read more

From soy to almonds: are milk substitutes healthier?

Shavuot is upon us, and like every year, we’ll join family and friends for a feast around a table full of dairy and cheesecake. But what happens when dairy products reach our digestive system? Adi Zusman, clinical nutritionist, points out that a significant percentage of the population suffers from various sensitivities and dairy products can … Read more