Psychologist: ‘It’s really hard to say’ whether violence is triggered by mental health or politics

WASHINGTON (7News) After three bizarre crimes in the Washington area in recent weeks, a mental health professional tells 7News it’s getting trickier to determine what’s triggering the violent outbursts. The first crime occurred earlier this month when a man who had previously claimed the CIA was imprisoning him allegedly attacked members of US Representative Gerry … Read more

‘Obesity has a bad reputation’: Why it’s so hard for many to get new, expensive diet drugs that are covered by insurance

EMMAUS, Pa. — Doctors are finding that medications used for diabetic patients have been very effective for those struggling to lose weight. In fact, the FDA recently approved the same type of medications originally prescribed for diabetics, specifically for weight control. But the out-of-pocket costs can be staggering, for those with insurance that won’t cover … Read more