Fentanyl is causing a spate of deadly overdoses in Lebanon County

The head of the Lebanese county commission on drug and alcohol abuse is concerned. As of May 5, we have had 14 fatal overdoses. We had 29 in all of 2022, Jim Donmoyer said. That puts the county ahead with 42 in 2023, which would surpass the previous record of 39. To know more: The … Read more

Move over, CBD: HHC is the new legal cannabis causing concern

After the CBD boom, authorities worry about HHC, which can be ingested, smoked or vaporized, with effects similar to those of cannabis. It could be the next big thing after the cannabidiol (CBD) wave and its controversies: HHC, also known as synthetic cannabis. HHC sellers advertise the euphoric sensations and the mental and physical relaxation … Read more