7 floor exercises men should do every day to stay fit

Staying in great shape doesn’t necessarily mean signing up for an expensive fitness membership or working out consistently hard. In fact, you don’t even need to waste time getting to and from the gym. All you really need is an exercise mat and your body weight for daily exercises recommended by a trainer for men to keep fit. Don’t think too much about the things your fitness session can be That simple!

Testing your bodyweight through floor exercises is a time-efficient and seamless form of training. Plus, all you have to do is roll out the mat in your living room or garden and get started. (Of course, some bodyweight exercises can be done with free weights to increase the challenge, but today we’re talking about bodyweight exercises.) , points out Harvard Health Publishing. Plus, you can modify the movements to suit your fitness level, get a healthy dose of “functional” exercise, and increase your overall strength and power. All of this becomes increasingly important as we age, as muscle strength, mass and function decline.

“Landweight and bodyweight exercises are great options for minimizing the need to go to the gym while still getting the benefits of resistance training,” says Read. Eat this, not that! “In the beginning, you can build muscle with floor work. Eventually, your body will adapt and begin to increase its muscular endurance. However, you can easily maintain a lean and toned physique by keeping up with your floor routine “If you want to build really big muscles, you’ll need to add extra resistance. However, overall shape and lean appearance can be achieved simply with regular bodyweight training.”

Doing your best to get physical activity on a daily basis is the name of the game if you want to preserve your toned, strong physique and build on it. So consider adding the daily exercises downstairs for men to keep fit to your routine as soon as possible. And when you’re done, be sure to check out 7 Exercises Men Should Do Every Day to Stay Muscular.

fit man doing push ups

“A staple of many workout routines, pushups work your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core,” explains Read.

To begin, start in a high plank on your hands and balls of feet. Your wrists should be under your shoulders and your body should form a straight line. Gradually descend, bringing your chest to the ground and keep your core active. Once you reach the bottom of the movement, push yourself back up to return to a high plank.

fit man doing forearm plank outdoors, concept of best exercises for men to build strength without equipment

Read tells us the plank is a “powerful core-strengthening exercise” that also activates the glutes and shoulders.

The plank requires you to get on all fours first before lowering onto your forearms and pressing down to your toes so your body forms a straight line. Activate your core while holding this position.

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fit man doing burpees

This full-body exercise brings together a squat, pushup, and jump. It’s a stellar move to give your cardiovascular fitness a boost.

To start, stand with your feet planted shoulder-width apart. Activate your core as you lower yourself into a high plank with your hands shoulder-width apart and both feet behind you. Keep your back straight, teaches PureGym. He bends both elbows as you go down into a pushup. Then, push your body back and jump back with both feet. Then, he explosively jumps up with his arms above his head. This completes one rep.

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“Mountaineers primarily target the core, but also work the shoulders and legs,” Read explains. “It’s also a good cardio workout.”

You’ll start in a high plank position with your hands planted shoulder-width apart so your wrists are aligned with your shoulders. You should be on your toes. Quickly bring your left knee to your chest, without making contact with the floor, before bringing it back behind you. Repeat quickly with your right knee and continue alternating.

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leg lift

“Leg raises target the lower abdominal muscles, which can be difficult to reach with other exercises,” Read points out.

To begin leg raises, lie flat on your back on an exercise mat with your arms at your sides and legs fully extended. Make sure your lower back stays in contact with the ground throughout this exercise. Then, keep your legs together and straight as you gradually lift them up. Then, gradually bring them back down so they’re just above the floor, not touching it. Keep lifting and lowering.

man doing russian twists exercises at home

“Russian twists target the obliques and general core,” Read tells us. “To add difficulty, hold a weight like a dumbbell or medicine ball.”

Get ready to set your abs on fire with Russian twist. Start by sitting on an exercise mat so your upper body is at a 45-degree angle with the ground. Your arms should be in front of your chest with your hands together, both knees should be bent, and your feet should be off the floor. Rotate your upper body from side to side without fidgeting, all while maintaining a tight core.

man doing the glute bridge march to get a flat stomach

Last but not least on this list of the best daily exercises for men is the glute bridge. “Glute bridges target the glutes and hamstrings, but they also work the core and can help improve hip mobility,” explains Read.

To begin, lie on your back on your exercise mat with your arms at your sides and knees bent. Plant your feet hip-width apart. Then, activate your core and glutes as you push your hips skyward. Make sure your back doesn’t arch. Once you reach the top of the “bridge,” hold the position for a moment and squeeze your glutes before lowering yourself back down.

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